Oppo Reno 12 Series Launching in Malaysia 27 June
June 19, 2024 Andrew Cheng

Oppo just confirmed the Malaysian launch date for its latest smartphones, the Oppo Reno 12 series. Set to be introduced on our shores next week on 27 June at 4PM, the Chinese company revealed the launch date on its Facebook page.

At the moment, the exact specifications of the Reno 12 series have not been revealed yet. But we do know Malaysia will be getting the base Reno 12 and the higher-end Reno 12 Pro. While we already unboxed the latter, we can’t reveal the hardware of the phone just yet due to a media embargo.

That being said, Oppo did previously reveal some key hardware of the Reno 12 and Reno 12 Pro. The camera system, for one, will focus on an AI-powered portrait mode of some form, and the two phones feature a generous 5,000mAh battery as well.

Pre-orders of the Reno 12 series are now live in Malaysia, and the company is offering a RM100 discount for those who place an order for either devices by 7 July. A RM50 (non-refundable) deposit is required to pre-order the Reno 12 phones, and early birds will get a number of unspecified freebies too.
