Acer also launched a new projector in Malaysia alongside the PD163Q portable dual screen monitor. Capable of up to 5,2000 ANSI lumens projection, the Acer X1528Ki can offer “clear images even in bright conditions,” as Acer puts it.
Here in Malaysia, the Acer X1528Ki goes for RM2,799. Naturally, it has quite a number of connectivity options, including two HDMI ports, VGA, and even RCA. Alternatively, it can also be paired with the Acer wireless dongle, so it can project content from a smartphone, laptop, or tablet.
Rounding out the specifications of the Acer X1528Ki include a native resolution of 1920 x 1080, 120Hz maximum vertical sync – 100Hz for horizontal sync – a minimum projection distance of 500mm, and a maximum projection distance of 3.3m. With a throw ratio of 1.48 – 1.62, it can project a 60-inch image from 2m away. Besides that, it has lamp life of up to 8,000 hours in ExtremeEco mode as well.
The Acer X1528Ki is now available for purchase in Malaysia for RM2,799. You can get the projector from Acer Malaysia’s online store, Shopee, Lazada, and of course, Acer authorised resellers nationwide.