Using Phone While Driving Now a Compoundable Offence
November 6, 2023 Andrew Cheng

Needless to say, using a phone while driving is reckless behaviour. So much so that back in 2020, PDRM ruled that the offence is non-compoundable; that is, offenders are required to make a court appearance to settle the case. Well, it appears this is no longer the case (excuse the pun), as the offence is now compoundable.

This was first reported by the folks over at According to its source, the change is recent, though no specific date was given. Now that summonses issued over phone use while driving is compoundable, offenders are only required to pay a fee to settle the summons.

Prior to the 2020 ruling by PDRM, using a mobile phone while driving is a RM300 summons with no discount given for early settlement. Even though it’s not explicitly stated (yet) that this rate will be used again, we reckon it will be.

Nonetheless, if you’ve got a pending court appearance for using a phone while driving, you should still make your way to the court at the set timing, even if the offence seems to be compoundable now. We will keep an eye for any official statement from PDRM regarding this change.
