Aside from the Apple Watch Series 9, the Cupertino company also introduced the new Apple Watch Ultra 2 at its September event. Just like the former, the rugged smartwatch is now powered by the S9 chip, along with an even brighter display and support for the new double tap gesture.
The unique double tap gesture is enabled with the Watch Ultra 2’s new S9 chip. By just tapping your index finger with your thumb twice, you can control the primary button in any given app. You can, for example, accept calls or snooze your alarm by just doing the double tap gesture; that’s quite neat.
Another noteworthy upgrade to the Apple Watch Ultra 2 is a brighter screen. With a peak brightness of a whopping 3,000 nits – which is said to be 50% brighter than its predecessor’s panel – Apple says this is the brightest display ever on an Apple Watch.
Despite the upgrades that the Apple Watch Ultra 2 bring, its asking price for the Malaysian market remains the same at RM3,799, which is great. What is not so great is the fact that the local availability of the new watch has not been revealed yet. We’ll be sure to update this space once we know when the Ultra 2 can be purchased in Malaysia.