Tesla Opens Online Merchandise Store in Malaysia – Fancy a RM170 Desktop Supercharger?
September 8, 2023 Andrew Cheng

Tesla just opened its online merchandise store for the Malaysian market, and the carmaker is selling quite a number of neat accessories. These include various items for the Model Y, apparel, a Tesla-branded USB drive, and get this: a desktop Supercharger.

Despite what it is called, the desktop Supercharger isn’t actually a charger. Rather, it’s more of a cable organiser for your desk, and it costs a cool RM170. It is said to be a precise scale model replica of the actual Supercharger, so Tesla fans may appreciate the unique-looking cable organiser.

Aside from the desktop Supercharger, there’s also a 128GB Tesla USB drive for…RM240. Certainly a steep price tag for a 128GB drive. If you want something even more unique, there’s the limited edition Cyberwhistle – also priced at RM240 – which is a whistle inspired by the design of the Cybertruck.

You can check out the full list of merchandise Tesla is offering for the Malaysian market through its official website. What do you think: will you be getting the RM170 desktop Supercharger to tidy up cables on your desk?
