Video: Wind X R2 Sound Test – Super Flexy 65% Custom Keyboard With a Numpad!
January 10, 2023 Andrew Cheng

One of the main selling points of the Wind X R2 is its layout: it combines a 65% layout with a numpad, which is not something you see very often. It is also a very flexible keyboard, as you can see in the sound test video above.

There are two ways to mount the Wind X R2: top-mount or gasket-mount, and we went with the latter for our build. On top of that, there are actually two different methods to gasket-mount the keyboard. There’s the standard PORON gasket, or a nub-like silicone gasket, which we decided to go with.

The groupbuy for the Wind X R2 will take place from 3 February to 3 March next month, and Rebult Keyboards will be the Malaysian proxy for the keyboard. Stay tuned for our full review of the Wind X R2 on our YouTube channel!
