Capcom revealed the launch date for the Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion. Set to arrive on 30 June for the Nintendo Switch and PC, Sunbreak will introduce a slew of new monsters, improved gameplay, and the Master Rank difficulty.
Three new monsters are highlighted for Sunbreak: the elder dragon Malzeno, Garangolm, and the fanged wyvern Lunagaron. Collectively, these monsters are referred as the “Three Lords” that threaten the Kingdom, a new area in the expansion.
Sunbreak will also introduce new Silkbind attacks for all 14 weapons in Monster Hunter Rise, and you can even initiate a wall run by simply dashing, falling, or performing a mid-air evade towards a wall now. Of course, Master Rank quests will be available in Sunbreak too.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will be available on both Nintendo Switch and PC on 30 June. You’ll need a copy of Rise in order to play Sunbreak, so with that in mind, the base game will be discounted until 31 March on the Nintendo eShop. It’s also on offer right now on Steam until 21 March.