Mihoyo Teases Thoma – Playable Character in Genshin Impact Version 2.2?
August 31, 2021 Andrew Cheng

Genshin Impact’s Version 2.1 update is going live tomorrow, but before that, Mihoyo is teasing a brand new character; well, sort of. Thoma, who has appeared in the main storyline of the Inazuma Archon Quest, has just been teased by the developer, suggesting that he will be a playable character in Genshin Impact 2.2.

This makes sense, given that all three characters previously teased by Mihoyo are confirmed to be playable in Version 2.1 of Genshin Impact. However, this time around, only Thoma has been revealed; no other characters were teased alongside him, which is quite odd.

Anyway, Thoma himself is confirmed to be a Pyro character by Mihoyo. Based on his teaser image, he seems to be wielding a Polearm too. His rarity has not been revealed yet, but if he is a Polearm user, we reckon he is a 4-star character.

Usually, 5-star characters are accompanied by their “signature” weapon in the weapon event wish. Given that a Polearm – Engulfing Lightning, which is the Raiden Shogun’s signature weapon – will be the first weapon banner in Version 2.1, it’s unlikely that Thoma is a 5-star character.

Of course, this is only an educated guess on our part. We’ll know for sure as we approach closer to the Version 2.2 update of Genshin Impact, which is set to be released on 13 October 2021.
