Genshin Impact Weapon Pity Improved in Version 2.0
July 12, 2021 Andrew Cheng

Genshin Impact‘s weapon event wishes has a pity system that’s quite punishing, but this changes in the Version 2.0 update that’s coming on 21 July. Thanks to the new “Epitomized Path” mechanic, you’re now guaranteed to get the featured 5-star weapon that you want.

Of course, the new mechanic does have a number of caveats. For one, you are only guaranteed the featured 5-star weapon that you have chosen once you have received two 5-star weapons that you didn’t initially pick. Basically, the third 5-star weapon you get will be the one that you’ve selected or “charted.”

In order to take advantage of the new Epitomized Path system, you need to “chart a course” to the 5-star weapon that you want before you start wishing. Once you’ve done that, you will receive one “Fate Point” when you obtain a 5-star weapon that’s not the one you chose.

And once you have collected two Fate Points, the next 5-star weapon you get is guaranteed to be the one you have chosen in the beginning. Do note that Fate Points will reset when a particular event wish rotates out, so you need to use them up before the next event wish is live.

Of course, the pity system for the character event wish is still better; you’re guaranteed the featured character the second time you receive a 5-star unit. Nonetheless, the new Epitomized Path mechanic does give more incentives to roll in the weapon banner now. More details on this new system can be found here.
