Monster Hunter Rise’s First Post-Launch Update Adds New Monsters, Quests & Removes HR Cap
April 28, 2021 Andrew Cheng

Monster Hunter Rise is getting its first major update since launch, and it adds a number of interesting content. The Version 2.0 update – which is available now – adds five new monsters, a number of quests, and to top it off, the Hunter Rank cap is also removed.

Series veterans will appreciate the five new monsters in Monster Hunter Rise. These include three elder dragons (Teostra, Kushala Daora, Chameleos) and the Apex variants of Rathalos and Diablos. With the addition of these five monsters, players can craft new weapons and armors with their material as well.

Aside from that, the Version 1.2 update of Monster Hunter Rise also removes the Hunter Rank cap, which was previously limited to HR7. Once you’ve updated the game, your HR will increase based on your Hub Quest progress. As you increase your HR, you will unlock quests featuring the new monsters.

Once you’ve unlocked your HR cap, you will be able to forge layered armor as well, which changes your hunter’s outfit without affecting the skills and stats of your regular armor. While we’re on the topic of cosmetics, Capcom is introducing a Character Edit Voucher too, allowing you to change your hunter’s appearance.

That being said, do note that this is a paid DLC, though you can get one free Character Edit Voucher from the Nintendo eShop.

Of course, Capcom will continue to release more updates to Monster Hunter Rise; the Version 3.0 update is slated for next month by the end of May. That update will add even more monsters, and even a new ending. If you’d like to learn more about Monster Hunter Rise, check out our review of the game.
